In Gratitude

Dear Friends and Supporters of Women Rising, 

In the spirit of this season of gratitude, we want to take this opportunity to express our deepest appreciation for your support over the years. You have all been part of turning this dream of Women Rising into reality- by sending us well wishes and cheers in kind and encouraging words, connecting us to other individuals and foundations, and making direct donations. Thank you for believing in our work and for helping us manifest this dream of a better tomorrow for the women of the DR Congo!

Here is a small video clip of the ground prepared for the 2022-2023 harvest season. This work has been done entirely by hand!

As you read this post, Women Rising’s current cohort of 25 women farmers is cultivating crops, harvesting food, and planting more seeds – directly staving off severe hunger and malnutrition for more than 200 people, given the large family size in this corner of the world. We hope to more than double our impact in the 2023-2024 season with 50 women farmers working 2 hectares, and the introduction of solar cooking and solar food drying. As you can well imagine, this project is also bringing hope to the more than 1,000 residents of the 3 villages we are touching.

On the fundraising front, we are thrilled to announce that Women Rising has received another grant from a small family foundation. We’ve now secured more than $18,000 (>55%) toward our fiscal year budget, thanks to you, several family foundations, and Rebellious Dreamers’ gift of the second hectare this summer!

Will you help us meet our $14,800 fundraising goal for the remainder of of this fiscal year (April 1-March 31)? Here are a few ways you can start or renew your support and get us closer to our goal:

  • Share the work of Women Rising by passing on this post and referring your circle of family, friends and colleagues to our.

  • Connect us with donor-advised funds, family foundations, individuals, your spiritual center and/or organizations that might be interested in funding women-related projects.  (In particular, if you know the Libra Foundation or the Wallace Global Fund, we would greatly appreciate your help in making a connection for us.)

  • Donate directly to Women Rising. We welcome your support with an open heart. As you already know, any donation in any amount makes a huge difference. Below are some suggested amounts and what each amount can help us achieve.

A donation in the amount of:

  • $1,000 will help us cover the legal fees for Women Rising to secure NGO status in the DRC.

  • $450 will enable us to purchase the remaining tools, seeds and supplies needed for this 2022-2023 season. (We are also working to get companies to donate items) 

  • $375 will cover three months of project management

  • $300 will help support one woman for six months while she works the land to grow food for herself and her family (saving her from the risk of assault and worse – daily threats for rural women foraging on tribal clan lands now “claimed” by mining companies).

  • $200 will cover cellular data for nearly 6 months to allow communications with the women.

  • $150 will support transportation costs for our project manager, Kasuu, to bring supplies and go to and from the farm for 3 months.

  • $100 will enable us to purchase the 10 pairs of rubber boots still needed, so that all the current cohort of women farmers will have usable footwear.

  • Every donation of any amount will make a big difference!

We thank you, once again, for believing in this dream and for helping us bring it into reality. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Chingwell and Archer


Launching a new fiscal year!


Exciting Fall Update!